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Why do I need a smart charging station?

Installing a charging station has a major impact on the overall energy consumption of a home or business.

  • This makes the use of renewable energy even more important.
    Therefore, Smappee offers a solution that maximizes the use of renewable energy and energy during off-peak hours throughout the day for each charging session. In this way, you optimise your self-sufficiency and save costs. Depending on your country, you may also need this smart feature to take advantage of tax cuts.

  • The current infrastructure often cannot handle the additional energy demand of electric cars.
    This can lead to blown fuses. Smappee’s autonomous overload protection ensures that cars can charge safely and the system stays within its power limit. Thus, an expensive extension of the electrical connection is not necessary.

  • Most electric drivers must wait for their monthly bill to know how much charging has cost them.
    By purchasing a Smappee EV Line charging station, you get a real-time overview of the charging process and an overview of the charging costs in the Smappee App and Dashboard. In addition, you can also perfectly track the extent to which your charging session used the solar energy you produced yourself. And that’s not all, combined  with the energy management technology Smappee Infinity, you also get instant insight into your entire energy consumption. Discover which are the biggest energy guzzlers and how self-sufficient you really are. Take immediate action and monitor how you use energy through the Smappee App and Dashboard.

Discover why Smappee is the smartest charging solution.