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Does Smappee offer payment options?

Yes. The EV Line offers each user several options for starting and paying for a charging session:

  • Plug and charge
    Plug in your car and start charging immediately, without identification or payment.
  • Scan and charge (QR code)
    Scan the QR code to start charging and pay for your charging session immediately via the Smappee App. The QR codes are included in the packaging box of your Smappee charging station. Find out how to activate them to make public charging via QR code possible for your charging station.
  • Swipe and charge (RFID)
    Start charging by swiping an RFID token, which may or may not be linked to a credit card. The Smappee EV Line works with most common charge cards but also with the Smappee Smart Charge Card. The Smart Charge Card is included in the packaging box of your Smappee charging station. Find out how to activate your RFID.
    • Whitelisting
      Assign RFID tokens to users of your charging station or charging hub. It is also possible to assign priorities and rates per user in the dashboard.
    • Split billing
      Do you own a corporation or work for an employer? Through a split-billing agreement with Smappee Services, your employer can manage RFID charge cards and the associated flat fee per employee. The fee per kWh is paid monthly to the employee and can be adjusted on a monthly basis.

Smappee e-mobility services.

Choose Smappee CPO or e-MSP services for a simple and convenient all-in-one payment solution. Smappee CPO services handle payment and billing for charging sessions to your charging stations. EV riders can charge with their charge cards connected to Smappee’s or a third-party e-MSP. Smappee will then periodically reimburse you for the costs.